Thursday, November 17, 2016



A friend from California came visiting the first weekend in November and was struck by New Hampshire’s political energy.

“Signs everywhere,” he remarked. “We don’t see anything like this in California. And the big-time candidates never visit us.”

I explained that unlike California, New Hampshire was a battleground state, and that politics are our state sport. That’s why Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Barack Obama were making election eve visits to the Granite State.

“Can we go see them?” asked my friend. “Would it cost much?”

I replied that we could see them for free, if he didn’t mind waiting in line.

So at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday night we stood with at least a couple thousand people outside the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester to get into a Hillary Clinton rally. It was cold but we eventually snaked our way inside and into the main event room, where the candidate would appear after 8:30 p.m.

Right after we finally went through the metal detectors organizers began redirecting those behind us to alternate areas, where they’d have to watch on big screen TVs. I was sad for them, as they’d been waiting for hours in the cold and then didn’t get to see the candidate.

Local Democrat candidates gave warm-up speeches, James Taylor sang songs and eventually Mrs. Clinton appeared to give her speech. My friend excitedly got lots of photos and video of the person most pundits predicted would be our next president.

The next night we returned to Manchester and again stood in line for a couple hours to get into the SNHU Arena to see Donald Trump. The larger venue eventually filled with around 10,000 fired-up spectators. After some warm-up speeches the candidate appeared and the crowd exploded. 

Trump clearly reveled in the bedlam and he quickly shared a bombshell announcement. He claimed to have the endorsements of two New England Patriot icons, quarterback Tom Brady and head coach Bill Belichick. Trump then read a letter from Belichick, which stated “Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media, and have come out beautifully – beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable.”

The crowd roared and my friend asked me if I thought the endorsements from the football folks were significant.

“Yes,” I replied. And I pointed out that Trump would soon be leaving for a final post-midnight rally in Michigan, where Brady played college football, and where Trump would surely mention the quarterback’s endorsement.

Michigan would eventually go to Trump by the narrowest of margins, less than .3%. The midnight flight with the Patriot endorsements arguably won the state—and the election—for Trump.

So Trump now owes Belichick and Brady—bigly! As both are likely to retire during a Trump presidency, I can see ambassadorships on the horizon. Brady would be a perfect ambassador to Brazil, the native land of his wife Gisele.

As for Belichick, Trump should make him ambassador to California. His mission? Make the Golden State a battleground state once again so people like my friend don’t have to travel 3000 miles to see a presidential candidate!

Image result for bill belichick hoodie

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